
About Us


Lova Bush

Late.Miss.Lova Bush
(D.O.B.: 08-10-1917 D.O.D.: 07-01-1998)
Founder Member of KVS & Telugu CEEFI

Vijaya Charles

Late.Miss. P. Vijaya Charles
(D.O.B.: 24-01-1926 D.O.D.: 15-09-2000)
Founder Member of KVS & Telugu CEEFI

Statement of Faith :

We believe in
  1. The Holy Bible consisting of 66 Books of the Old testament and the New Testament as the fully and uniquely revealed and inspired infallible and inerrant ; Word of God and entirely trustworthy; and sole authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  2. One God, infinite and eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit , the creator and sustainer of the Universe , who reveals himself in perfect holiness and love.
  3. The full deity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, born of the virgin Mary; and who lived a sinless and perfect life; His representative and substitutionary death on the cross ; His bodily resurrection and ascension into Heaven ; His personal visible return in power and glory to consummate His Kingdom.
  4. The dignity of man created in the image of God ; his universal sinfulness and consequent subjection to God’s wrath and condemnation ; His need of redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin ; His justification by the grace of God through repentance and faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ, apart from meritorious works.
  5. The illuminating , regenerating , indwelling and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, enabling the believer to live a Holy life to witness effectively to the Gospel and to serve responsibly in the world.
  6. The unity and common priesthood of all true believers who form the universal church, the body whose head is Jesus Christ and which is visibily manifest through true worship, witness and service of the local church in the world.
  7. The resurrection of all men; they that are saved unto eternal life and they that are lost unto eternal damnation.

We recognize the creeds commonly called the Apostle Creed and the Nicene Creed as the Historical standards of the Church’s Confession of Biblical faith.

History :

In the year 1966 Evangelical Fellowship of India has decided to form Regional Christian Evangelical Fellowships for each state and thus Telugu Christian Evangelical Fellowship of India has taken birth with Miss. Lova Bush as Secretary

Miss Lova Bush

She said “If we are willing to serve God, it is wonderful how He prepares us and leads us into the work He wants us to do. Even before He tells us what the work is, He begins to prepare us.”
Miss Bush was grown up in a small town of US. During her first year of her ministry in India, she spent most of her time to learn Telugu. During 1966 the EFI conference has appointed Miss Bush as First Secretary of Telugu CEEFI.

In 1969 Miss Vijaya Charles

In 1969 Miss Vijaya Charles has joined as first Indian Telugu CEEFI Secretary. She has been marked as the Pioneer. She made a survey of Sunday School Work in the then A.P. In the year 1968 Miss. Vijaya Charles who had been working as teacher had resigned her government job and joined Telugu CEEFI and by then she had already been involved in the translation work that was taken up by Miss Bush.

The TCEEFI Promotion work of TCEEFI has entered all the 23 districts of the then A.P. By the grace of God by the year 1979 the 15 years course has been printed in TELUGU by Mr. Roy German who was TCEEFI Publisher and Treasurer. And Mr. Mithra Satuluri became Treasurer in 1981. Miss E J Harding, Miss BJC Tilsley, Mrs. Sylvia Job and many more tens of missionaries helped in translation work.

Telugu CEEFI has been in rented quarters till May 1990. TCEEFI shifted from Baptist Compound Secunderabad to a private house in Krishna Nagar, Secunderabad and from there to Bpatist Church compound, Narayanaguda, Hyderabad. The prayer of years for permanent quarters has been answered and the Lord miraculously provided the present quarters, Telugu CEEFI is the honoured and permanent guest of KVS Trust.

We have celebrated 25 years (1966-1991) Silver Jubilee. And in 2005-2006 we also celebrated Ruby Jubilee. Now we are celebrating Telugu CEEFI Golden Jubilee in the year 2016.

Telugu Christian Education Evangelical Fellowship of India was not registered and has no face of its own. Under these circumstances the existing Executive Committee felt the expedient and immediate need and necessity of forming an Independent organization as Telugu Christian Evangelical Education Foundation of India (TELUGU CEEFI) to acquire independent legal status and to obtain PAN Card which is necessary for all financial transactions. But for technical reasons Telugu CEEFI (Telugu Christian Evangelical Education Foundation of India) is registered as Telugu Christian Evangelical Education Foundation Info with Regd. No.: 114/2016 under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act. 2001.


To impact the Telugu speaking community with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ by imparting systematic Christian Education (Bible Based) to children through Sunday School Teachers Trainings and make available literature and allied material.


To produce, print and publish the Christian material for Sunday schools and to impart comprehensive teaching to the aspiring, as well as existing Sunday school teachers through Sunday school Teachers Training.

Kraisthava Vidhya Seva (KVS):

Kraistava Vidya Seva was established in 1998 by Miss Lova Bush, was a missionary from U.S. The main reason and purpose was to be a supportive ministry to Telugu CEEFI to prepare and provide Visual Aids/Flash Cards to make TCEEFI teaching more effective. KVS Trust is a registered body with Regd. No: 902/93

Telugu CEEFI:

Telugu CEEFI was established in 1966. Telugu CEEFI has been involved in Training the Sunday School Teachers to run the Sunday school ministry effectively in their respective Churches for the Glory of God. In addition to that it is also publishing and Printing Sunday School Student Work Books, Sunday School Teachers Books and Visual Aids/ Flash Cards for the last 50 years.